District 11 Survey
I'm seeking your opinion on the critical issues facing our state this election.  Please answer the following questions and click "Submit" at the bottom of the form.  The entry of personal information (name, etc.) is completely optional.  Your responses will be most appreciated!
What do you consider your political philosophy to be?
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Are you planning to vote in the May 21st Republican Primary?
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Do you currently have a "Party Affiliation"?
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How would you rate Idaho's current tax system?
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Would you like to see local governments and taxing districts be funded by other means than by Property Tax, thus repealing Property Tax?  (Note:  Property Tax does NOT currently fund schools except through voter approved Bonds and Levies.)
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Unlike my opponent, would you like to see Sales Tax removed from groceries in Idaho?
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My opponent pushed for a Constitutional Amendment to lower the threshold for passage of Bond Issues from a required 2/3 approval to 55%.  Do you agree with this idea?
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What do you think needs to be done to improve public education in Idaho?
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Do you support school-choice legislation which would allow parents to send their children to the school of their choice?
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Do you believe that some money should follow students to private schools if parents decide to send them there? (My opponent does not like this option.)
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Do you approve your tax dollars going to fund a new state agency to determine "in demand jobs," then offering grants to high school seniors to gain training for those jobs to lower the training costs of big businesses and corporations?  (My opponent supported this program called "Idaho Launch," costing Idaho taxpayers $80 Million.)
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Regarding state spending, the State Legislature should...
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Are you concerned that my opponent's campaign is funded mostly by big Corporations and corporate interests, big labor unions, health insurance companies and providers, big pharma and other lobbyists who then have the power to sway her votes?
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Regarding gun control, do you generally support...
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Do you believe that state government has a responsibility to protect the innocence of our children?
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Do you approve of my opponent's opposition to restricting access to pornographic and obscene materials in school and public libraries as already defined in Idaho Code and in a U.S. Supreme Court decision?
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Which of the following issues will most influence your vote in the upcoming Primary Election (May 21st)?
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Additional items that will most influence your vote in the Primary, your thoughts on the list above or comments regarding those items or your choices:
Additional comments or concerns:
Would you like to have a response?  (If so, please provide contact information below.)
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Name (Optional)
Address (Optional)
Email address (Optional)
Would you like to be added to Kent's email address list?
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Phone number (Optional)
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