Generative Media Coding 2022 - Consent Form
Consent form for documentation media for Generative Media Coding course at Aalto University, May 2022. The consent relates to publishing documentation media online, for promoting the work done and mostly for the purpose of aiding future students of the course. The answers do not affect your grade. If you have any questions about this, please email nuno.correia (at)
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Do you agree that photos are taken of the project presentation on 20/May? This will be displayed on course page on Flickr.
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Do you agree that a global video of the course is made out of a collection of the documentation videos to be sent by 27/May, including your video and name? (similarly to previous years). This will be displayed on Vimeo and social media.
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Do you agree to release the code to your project on GitHub, by 27/May (as per instructions on MyCourses)?
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If you answered "yes" to the previous question, please add below you GitHub name or email used for GitHub. If you answered "no", please get in touch with the teacher to agree on an alternative. GitHub name or email:
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