Community Composter Coalition Application
Please fill out this application if you are interested in joining the Community Composter Coalition (CCC). Community-oriented composters are those composting on-site at schools, community gardens, and farms, or otherwise keeping the process as local as possible while engaging the community through participation and education. To learn more about community composting, visit this link

NOTE: The Coalition is for organizations/agencies that have active community composting sites, enterprises, or programs.

The CCC is hosted by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR). By joining, you agree to be listed on ILSR's website and Composting for Community mapBenefits also include an invitation to join the Coalition's closed google group and free access to Coalition networking and knowledge-sharing events. 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Organization/Affiliation *
Compost Site Name (if different than above)
Country (if not U.S.)
Your E-mail: *
Public Facing E-mail:
Phone Number
What main address would you like us to assign to your organization on our database?
Can this phone receive texts?
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Are you already engaged in community composting or are you interested in starting a project?
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Which of the following best describes your community composting program? (check all that apply)
Provide one sentence to describe your operation for us to include on the map.
How many pounds per week of food scraps are you composting or collecting for composting? (An estimate is fine.)
If you are composting, what is the square footage of your largest active composting site? (An estimate is fine.)
Tell us about your community composting initiative. What is your mission? Who do you serve? Briefly describe your composting activities. (250 words maximum) *
Why do you consider your organization a community-oriented composter? How do you follow the principles of community composting? See principles here: (500 words maximum) *
Why do you want to join the Community Composter Coalition? (250 words maximum) *
Are you currently a member of the US Composting Council (USCC)?
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Would you be willing to a pay a membership fee for the Community Composter Coalition?
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If yes or maybe, how much would you be willing to pay for an annual membership?
Anything else you would like us to know?

Before joining, we ask that prospective members review the Coalition’s guiding principles and pledge that if accepted as a member, they commit to incorporating them in their work to the best of their ability. 

By submitting your application, you confirm that you are authorized on behalf of your organization to commit to upholding these principles. If found not to adhere to any of the above principles, you may be subject to dismissal from the group.

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