NIRSA National Basketball Site Selection Criteria for 2019-2021
Deadline: October 31

Dear NIRSA Colleagues,

Thank you for your consideration to serve as a NIRSA Championship Series National Basketball tournament host.

Through the efforts of numerous volunteer staff and generous past host sites, The NIRSA National Basketball Championships have a rich history of putting on extremely successful tournaments that have created lasting memories for the participants and staff involved.  It has also given countless numbers of volunteer, experiential and developmental opportunities that they will benefit from for a lifetime. The Basketball Committee will be looking for a potential host that will be able to carry the torch from The Ohio State University and provide these opportunities for the next generation of participants and staff.

In order to facilitate a successful host experience, the NIRSA Championship Series Committee and its related Work Teams, and members of the NIRSA Headquarters Team have created helpful resources to use in the planning and execution phases of upcoming tournaments.  These resources, surrounding best practices and general guidelines for hosting, include a tournament operations manual, which will be made available shortly. For more information on resources, or to receive a copy of last year’s manual, please email NIRSA Director of National Sport Programs at The committee also encourages any university interested in hosting to send a staff member to the 2018 NIRSA National Championship at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

The tournament has set the standard for intramural sports and club teams to compete for a National Championship, while giving officials, student and professional volunteer staff development opportunities to build skills and engage in all levels of learning. If you are still curious about hosting, but feel hesitant, I ask that you call me personally; or call any of the current members of the NIRSA Championship Series Committee. I know they can provide the answers and insight you might be searching for. Your efforts really will have a far-reaching impact.

Contact NIRSA Director of National Sport Programs at the NIRSA Headquarters at to get more information regarding economic impact of this type of event or about working with your local sports commission to get sponsorships and grants.

Our member network is the best way to let potential hosts know we are seeking out the next NIRSA National Basketball Championship site.  If a NIRSA member knows of a site that would be capable of and willing to take on the honor of being the next host, please encourage those that can make it happen to apply.


Megan Morris
NIRSA Championship Series Basketball Work Team Chair

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Will you conduct the tournament in April? *
What is your preferred date? *
What is your alternate date? *
Please explain why you selected these dates: *
How many basketball courts can you provide for tournament use? *
Is there guaranteed court availability at the dedicated facilities on desired dates? *
Will you provide a tournament office to accommodate 5-10 people supplied with a laser printer, one out-going phone line, and stations for portable computer systems/WiFi? *
Can participants and staff gain free Wi-Fi in the playing facility? *
Will you provide an indoor official's hospitality room and a meeting area to accommodate 40-60 people with chairs and tables? *
Will you provide seating for 150+ for the championship finals? *
Will you provide a special events area near playing courts if materials are provided by the NIRSA Championship Series Brand Management work team? *
Will you provide a host committee for operations? *
Will you provide a court supervisor for each court? *
Will you provide one certified athletic trainer and/or EMT for every venue? *
Will you provide a photographer for event photos? *
Will you provide videographers and equipment for filming at least 2 courts (for filming officials for evaluation)? *
Do you have the capability (equipment and personnel) of webcasting (live stream) the championship games (equipment and personnel)? *
Are you able to provide proper game equipment (basketballs, scorers table, scoreboard & clock, etc.)? *
Will you provide a public address announcer for all finals/awards ceremony? *
Will you ensure the singing/playing of the National Anthem before the first championship final? *
Are you able to provide proper game equipment (basketballs, scorers table, scoreboard & clock, etc.) *
Are you able to provide a storage unit near courts to secure supplies? *
Are you able to provide radios or reliable cell service guaranteed for the event Tournament Director, Director of Officials, Director of Competition, Athletic Trainer, Building/Court Supervisors, and other pertinent staff on site? *
Do you have computers and/or iPads for players, officials & staff to do an online survey on-site during the event? *
Are there 150 hotel rooms per night (2 double beds/room) in the vicinity of the tournament facilities that will accommodate teams and spectators (prefer within 5 miles)? *
Are you able to provide or arrange free or reduced parking at the event venues for participants and free parking for staff? *
Are you able to provide transportation or shuttle service for the tournament staff/officials to and from the airport? *
Are you able to provide transportation or shuttle service for tournament staff/officials to and from venue? *
Can you display sponsor banners around your facility? *
Do you have the ability to distribute product samples at your facility? *
Can you provide space for sponsors to set-up displays, showcases, etc? *
Can you provide an additional championship game venue (arena) that is near the recreational sports facility? *
If you responded NO to any question, please provide an explanation:
Past history of hosting basketball events or special events/tournaments: *
A list of your recreational sports staff and their involvement/experience with NIRSA tournaments or other special events: *
List all exclusive Recreational Sports Department national sponsors.  If your department is under the athletics department, please list all of their exclusive national sponsors as well. *
List any restrictions or potential conflicts (ie. beverage/apparel exclusivity)
Have you contacted your local sport commission? *
What, if any, sponsorships or in-kind donations will the local Sport Commission make? *
Do you have the ability to send staff to the Ohio State National Basketball Championships April 20-22, 2018?  This will allow host sites to be able to learn and shadow the previous sites. *
Any additional information or comments you would like to provide to be considered for hosting a regional tournament? *
Do you have the ability to present via a webinar to the selection committee?  Sites may be asked to do a brief presentation to allow more information to be considered for selection. *
Please email the following 4 items to
1) A copy or sketch of the court layout including the special events area (mark the court which will be used for championship games).
2) A map of the campus (indicating the location of courts, parking for participants, etc.).
3) A pretournament budget
4) A tournament timeline
Name of Institution: *
Name of Contact: *
Title: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
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