Women in NeuroAI 2024 - Interest Form
The 'Women in NeuroAI' event at the University of Washington, organized by CoNECT and I2, aims to highlight and celebrate the contributions of a minoritized group within the field of NeuroAI. This gathering will feature esteemed keynote speakers, including postdocs and professors, who will share insights from both academia and industry. Attendees will have the chance to engage in networking sessions, fostering connections within the NeuroAI community. The event will not only offer intellectual enrichment but also provide a delightful experience with snacks and lunch for all participants. Additionally, a poster presentation will showcase the diverse research efforts undertaken by researchers from various labs in the NeuroAI domain, further emphasizing the collective brilliance of women in this field. It promises to be an inspiring and inclusive occasion, bringing together minds dedicated to advancing NeuroAI research.

February 20th, 2024 in the HUB340 (Speaker Events) and HUB340 (Poster Session)

  • 10 am - Coffee + Snacks
  • 10.30 am - 1 pm - Keynote speakers + Q&A 
  • 1 pm - 1.30 - Lunch
  • 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm - Speakers + Networking
  • 2.30 pm - 5 pm - Poster session
Contact Jazlin at jazlin@uw.edu or Sabrina at yy334@uw.edu with any questions.

For more information, join our discord: https://discord.gg/jEWtd7pd3U 

Note: research posters are not limited to applications within AI! We want to present research within neuroscience applications that have a technological framework -- ex. BMI/BCI, VR applications, neurotechnology, decoding brain signals, etc. 

Keynote Speakers:

Ione Fine (Dpt. of Psychology)

Pulse Trains to Percepts: Using Virtual Patients to Describe the Perceptual Effects of Human Visual Cortical Stimulation


Amy Orsborn (Dpt. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Dpt. of Bioengineering)

Understanding and Leveraging Brain-Device Interactions in Closed-Loop Neural Interfaces


Courtnie Pachall (UW School of Medicine & Founder, InVirtualis Inc.)

Building Bidirectional XR-BCI: From Thesis to Startup



Lu-Mi (Shanahan Foundation Fellow at Allen Institute for Brain Science)

Bridging the Gap Between Artificial and Biological Neural Networks


Zoe Steine-Hanson (Dpt. Computer Science and Engineering, Dpt. of Biology, NSF Graduate Research Fellow)

Neural Manifolds of Human Intracranial Recordings During Naturalistic Arm Movements


Anna Bowen (Dpt. of Biological Structure, HHMI Hanna Gray Fellow)

Focus on Neural Data from Large Scale Ephys Recordings


Email *
What is your name? *
What is your gender? *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
Where are you in your career? *
What is your departmental affiliation or area of interest? (Ex. Electrical Engineering, Neuromodulation, Computational Neuroscience, etc.) *
What parts of the event are you interested in attending?
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