Dialogic models ā€“ Interest Form
Hello šŸ‘‹,Ā 

Thank you for taking the time to co-shape this offering.

We'll let you know first and the soonest once the class registration is open.

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Name *
āœ…Ā  Which topics are you interested to be covered?
We'll use this as inputs to design the flow and materials.
This is not a promise! Remember Speech Act? :)
šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Are you interested to join?Ā  *
(Optional) šŸ“š Would you like to elaborate your learning goals to join this class?
(Optional) šŸ’Œ Who would you'd like to invite?
Please mention their email/WA if you'd like us to invite them directly.
(Optional) šŸ’” Anything else you care to share?
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