Speaker Sign-Ups for Care not Cops: Students Against SROs
NOTE: If you do not want to be a speaker but still hope to express your thoughts, fill out our public comment question at the bottom of this form. We will have an organizer read your comment for you. It can be anonymous if desired.

On Friday, July 17th from 10AM to 12PM, we will sit-in and protest at the FCUSD District Office. We will demand that FCUSD cancels its SRO contracts and hears our list of demands for equity (see demands at link below).

If you would like to be a speaker, please fill out this form by Tuesday, July 14th, 11:59PM. We will have a brief Zoom call with speakers on Wednesday, July 15 to discuss the speaker scheduling and embedded demands.

Thank you for fighting for equity.

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Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Race (Black voices will be prioritized as the presence of SROs most affects this group.)
Relation to FCUSD/community/cause *
Affiliated Organization(s)+ Role
What topic(s) will your speech be about? *
How long do you expect your speech to take? *Note: please try to include a range of minimum and maximum length if possible; for example 2-3 minutes. *
Will you be able to attend the entire span of 10AM to 12PM on July 17th? *
If you marked "no" or "maybe" to the prior question, please specify what times you will definitely be in attendance (for scheduling purposes).
Please leave any questions or concerns here (along with your preferred method of contact for us to respond):
FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WISH TO SPEAK OR ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND THE EVENT: submit a public comment here and we will have an organizer read your thoughts. Provide your name if you don't wish for it to be anonymous.
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