Aish Academy Scholarship Form
We're proud to offer a financial aid program to help those who can't afford to pay for membership on their own.

While your application is being reviewed feel free to try the first two units of almost all courses.

Only eligible candidates will be contacted.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
I would like Financial Aid for *
We ask that every applicant
Please type the following sentence - 'I agree to the terms above' *
Jewish Background *
What is your current involvement in Jewish activities? (e.g. attending services, part of a Jewish community, visits to Israel) *
What is your previous exposure to Jewish education? (e.g. had a Bar/Bat Mitzva, Day school, read traditional Jewish texts, familiar with Hebrew Alphabet) *
Which of your parents are Jewish?
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Are you aware of any ancestors that converted to Judaism? (If yes, write who, when and where) *
Which courses are you most interested in taking? *
Would you be interested in a phone study mentor to learn along with? *
How much can you afford to pay per month? (in US dollars) *
Why are you applying for financial aid?(150 words min)   [All responses will remain confidential]               *
How will becoming an Aish Academy member help you achieve your personal goals for Jewish learning? (150 words min)                       *
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