Operation Activation! Women's March Chicago, January 19, 2019
In celebration of WMC’s third anniversary, we are asking our amazing community to come together for a day of action. Please join us on Saturday, January 19, 2019 for Operation Activation.

Operation Activation celebrates your power to effect change. WMC is calling on you to spearhead an action in your community that helps people feel safe, included, respected and represented, while encouraging others to activate.

Register your action with this form so we can help publicize it!  How will you take ownership of your activism? Will you plan a rally?  Collect warm coats for the homeless? Work with your local library to host a book drive?  Set up a fundraiser through a local restaurant? ALL actions count!  

Your action will be added to the national March On map, as well as WMC’s website calendar, to illustrate the power thousands of marchers have when they take action. Let's see how our collective energy radiates across the city and beyond!

Looking for inspiration? Check out WMC’s Operation Activation toolkit: https://tinyurl.com/yd4ytwku

Post pictures and follow #OperationActivationChi on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Questions?  Contact outreach@womensmarchchicago.org.  We're here to help!

Women’s March Chicago NFP, a 501c4 entity, is a proud member of the national March On coalition. WMC is now — and has always been — a grassroots effort entirely led by diverse women from the greater Chicago area. The mission of WMC is guided by Chicago area marchers and activists and informed by the broader women’s movement.

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Contact Person - First Name *
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Contact Person - Cell
Operation Activation Event Title *
Operation Activation Event Description *
Location - Town/Neighborhood of Event *
Event Time *
Event Address (if applicable)
Number Of Attendees Expected
Public Event Link, Facebook, Eventbrite, Etc.
How Will You Publicize Your Event? *
How Can Our Team Support You?
Anything Else You Want to Share ?
Organization Website (if applicable)
Organization Facebook Page (if applicable)
Organization Twitter Handle (if applicable)
Women's March Chicago January 19, 2019
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