Scheduling a visit with Carl Wilkens
Hi there, friend of World Outside My Shoes! Thanks for your interest in having Carl Wilkens visit with your school, organization, or community. 

Please give us more details below, and we'll get back to you in a few days' time to explore this together!
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First & last name: *
Email address: *
Phone number:
School / organizational / community affiliation:
Your title:
Your own location (even if you're requesting a virtual engagement, so we know for the sake of time zones):
For an engagement, are you interested in virtual, in-person, or either?
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If you're requesting an in-person visit, what's the address of the venue?
Do you already have exact dates/timing in mind (or, if not, a particular time of year)? If so, please list them here:
If you already have an estimated number of participants, please list that & any details about them here (e.g., "roughly 200 high school juniors in history classes" or "about 300 members of our faith community")
What are you most hoping to accomplish via this visit from Carl?
Have you already engaged Carl via a previous visit?
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We find that audiences who have already seen the 40-minute documentary "I'm Not Leaving" (featuring the Wilkens family's experience in Rwanda in 1994) are able to have richer conversations with Carl when he's present. 

Are you able to screen that film to your community in advance?
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How'd you hear about us here at World Outside My Shoes?
Anything else to share?
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