2022 mYe Elite Scholarship Application
mYe Elite Scholarship is awarded to outstanding high school seniors that exemplify mYe’s core value of “Learn, Aspire, Contribute”. Selection will be based on impact and contributions to mYe, leadership demonstration, and community services. A maximum of four awards are presented annually and each candidate will receive a $500 scholarship.

Applicant must meet the following criteria:

 - Currently, graduating high school senior
 - Has participated in mYe’s class in the past
 - Has contributed minimum of 30 volunteering hours each year to mYe for two years.
 - Has exemplified charismatic leadership through mYe’s programs or activities.

Application deadline: October 30, 2022
Winner announcement: October 31, 2022
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Student Full Name: *
Birth Date:                                           *
Gender: *
School attending: *
Phone number: *
Name of Parents or Legal Guardian: *
Parent email:                                                                                                     *
Parent Phone: *
Your engagement with mYe
How long have you been involved with mYe? *
List your participation in mYe’s classes, programs, and activities: *
Have you taken any leadership role(s) in mYe? If so, please list them below: *
Have you taken any leadership role(s) outside of mYe? If so, please list them below: *
What contributions have made to mYe to support our mission? *
How did mYe impact you? *
I understand my application information as stated above may be used in Michigan Youth Empowerment Foundation (mYe)’s social media and advertisement. I authorize mYe to use my name, brief biographical information, and statement as defined on this form. *
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