AGAB Interest Form
AGAB (Assigned Gay At Band) is a queer joy rebellion! We're happy you're interested in joining us :)
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Please take a moment to read over our band's core values before deciding if you'd like to join
Value: Do Great Things!
As a band made of queer individuals, we aim to be role models and a source of excitement and inspiration for each other and others, including potential new members, the queer/trans community and Honk communities that we belong to, and our audiences (definitely not for cops though!)

Value: Be excellent to each other!
We maintain that at the foundation of a healthy and thriving band is a desire for mutual respect and cooperation.  We are all here to have a fun and meaningful experience, and we desire to actively encourage behavior that makes us feel valued and respected as individuals. 

Value: Be excellent to the group!
AGAB is more than just a collection of individuals - we aim to be a source of community and camaraderie for queer musicians, artists, and other music lovers.  We recognize that building both a healthy band and a healthy community requires us to be conscious about the social environment that we create, not just the way we act towards specific individuals.

Value: Musical Collaboration!
As a band, we aim to promote a culture of musical collaboration.  We have a collective desire to give excellent artistic performances and ensure that the experience of creating those performances is comfortable, fulfilling, and reliable for everyone involved.  We desire a band where we go out of our way to teach each other, as well as be teachable and have a desire to learn and grow as musicians

Value: Personal and Collective Growth!
We are a band that is about growing together and learning from each other, both as musicians and human beings!

Are you on board with these values?
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