MGTX82 W2023-24 Reflection Survey
Please complete this assignment after you've completed all the other assignments for this course. This survey is worth 5 points toward your final grade. Please complete by 11:59 pm, Monday, January 8.

This activity is intended to guide you through reflection on the New Venture Development course offered during the Winter interim session of 2023-2024. The activity consists of short and long(ish) questions with some survey items. Please feel free to offer comments at the end.
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1. How useful was each of the following activities in helping you understand the processes of new venture development? (these include identifying opportunities, understanding how to evaluate and pitch them, determining customer needs, developing solutions, creating a minimum viable product, and working toward product-market fit)
Not at all
Somewhat useful
Quite a bit useful
Understanding problems with an aging population
How to think about problems
How to unpack a problem you want to solve
Connect the dots for opportunity development
Customer persona
Map activity
Solution sketch
Design Project Zero
Evaluating a pitch for a $9 cardboard bike
Writing an entrepreneurial pitch
Creating a test card for an experiment
Completing a lean canvas of my business idea
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2. What did you do or learn in this course that has or will have the biggest impact on how you think about entrepreneurship? What did you do that excited you about the new venture development process? (looking for a few sentences minimum)
3. What do you wish there had been more of or something else that could have been included in the course that wasn't? How could I address that and implement it in future courses? (a few sentences)
4. How has taking this course affected your interest in taking more courses on entrepreneurship? (short answer)
5. Which of the following reference materials did you find particularly useful? (check all that apply)
N/A - didn't view this reference
Not at all
Somewhat useful
Very useful!
Ash Maurya's "Running Lean" text
Eric Ries's "Lean Startup" text
Kromatic's "Real Startup Book"
Armstrong's "How to Pitch" slides
Armstrong's Mental Models web page
Shane Parrish's "First Principles" and "Second-Order Thinking" posts
Armstrong's "Entrepreneurs and Opportunities" slides
Williams's "Disruptive Pitch" reading
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6. As a result of taking this course, I feel better prepared to help find solutions to problems associated with aging populations
Completely disagree with this statement
Completely agree with this statement
Clear selection
Thank you for taking this course! (and there's one more question after this section)
I "teach in beta." Instead of using the same materials over and over again in my courses, I constantly try to find new ways to engage students with different materials and approaches to learning entrepreneurship. By doing this I am also modeling my own version of lean startup by constantly building new things to test with students. I hope that you have enjoyed the course and will apply the learnings you've accumulated by taking it.
7. Any other feedback or comments to share with me? (I read them and incorporate them when and where I can)
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