PombeTalks speaker/attendee form
Please use to receive a link to attend the seminars/ nominate yourself to give a talk.
If you would like to join the pombe mailing list: https://lists.cam.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/ucam-pombelist
If you have any other questions, please email Gautam Dey (g.dey@ucl.ac.uk), Veneta Gerganova (vgergano@unil.ch), Scott Curran (scott.curran@crick.ac.uk), or Matthew Swaffer (swaffer@stanford.edu)
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Please provide your full name and preferred title *
Your position is: *
If not a PI, what is the name of your lab/PI?
Please list your institution/company/organisation, unless retired (just write "retired") *
Would you like to attend the seminars (and are not on the pombe mailing list)? *
Please provide your (ideally academic) email address *
Would you be interested in giving a talk? *
If you would like to give a talk, please provide a title (<50 words)
If you would like to give a talk, please provide a short abstract here (<200 words)
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