Health Certificate Registration
This form contains both the request for junior exhibitor health certificates as well as inspection registration. You will need to set aside 10 minutes to complete the form in it's entirety. Please read each question carefully. 

A separate submission of this form is required for each out-of-state livestock show or expo that the junior exhibitor is attending. Health certificates are valid for 30 days. If your show is not within 30 days, please wait to fill out the form until the 30-day window. 

If you have questions or concerns, contact us at 302-698-4500 or
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Jr. Exhibitor's First Name *
Jr. Exhibitor's  Last Name *
If multiple Jr. Exhibitors are travelling from the same farm, list names of additional junior exhibitors here:
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Animal Address (please include town and zip code) *
Livestock Show Name *
Livestock Show Address *
Date of Show *
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