Registration for longer packages
I am currently taking on clients in spring/summer 2024. I look forward to hearing from you and getting to know more about your creative work.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Which program are you interested in? *
Where can I learn more about you? (please provide links to websites, social media, etc.) *
Do you have a specific project or goal you'd like to work on during this program?
What are your 3 core challenges as it relates to your accent work, voice work, or creative process?
Are you prepared to commit to 1 x 1 hour session per week for the duration of the program?
You're interested in sessions taking place:
How did you find out about this program? (If someone referred you, I'd love to thank them!) 
Thank you!
We read all applications extremely carefully and we want to make sure this is a fit for us all. We will be in touch shortly about next steps. If you have any questions please email us at
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