NovaPrime Staff Application
This is the official Nova Prime Staff application form. Please treat it formally and try to make a good impression of yourself. Any misuse or spam of the application will lead to immediate rejection.

* Please feel free to contact a higher staff member if you have any queries.
* Please make sure to use proper grammatical sentences and give your best when applying.
* If you are not contacted within weeks of submitting your application, do not give up. With practice you may be selected in the future.

* Write formally and grammatically in standard English.
* Reflect and explain the position and the tasks you would contribute clearly.
* Write in depth for the large questions.
* Answer all questions honestly. Any lies that are discovered in the applications or later on will have consequences.
* If your written application is accepted, please be aware that there will also be a voice interview.
* Please do not ask a staff member about the status of your application. Doing so would reduce your chances.

We will judge your application based on maturity, activity, experience and professionalism. Your age does play a role towards your application, however, do not lie about your age. Some exceptions may be made, regarding age, however this will be rare as we want to be treating all applicants equally. Be aware that being a staff member will require a lot of responsibility and dedication. We hope you take this application seriously, because you will be evaluated strictly.

Thank you for applying, and good luck!
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Base Information
What is your in-game name? *
What is your discord tag? *
How old are you? *
What time zone do you follow? (In UTC+x format) *
How did you hear about NovaPrime? *
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