2024 Leader in Training Application

Welcome to Camp Kandalore's 2023 LIT Application!

Please read the following information:

Applications are required of those interested in Kandalore's Leadership Programs. Please ensure all of your information is correct, once you have reviewed your application form, please ensure that you submit it in full. You may be contracted for an interview. Your answers should be in paragraph form with enough information that we gain a deeper understanding of your potential as a Kandalore Leader. Do not exceed 500 words per section. 

Decisions will be emailed to all applicants on an on-going basis.  

*Please note: Acceptance into the program does not guarantee your space - you will be required to REGISTER through our Summer 2024 season.*

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the office at 416-322-9735 or camp@kandalore.com.

LIT Applications are for those campers who will be 17 years or old in the 2024 Calendar year.
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Email *
Full Name of Applicant
Why do you want to be an LIT at Kadalore?
Describe some of your leadership experiences. 
Describe your favourite leader (in camp or out of camp) and explain why you feel they are an effective leader.
How do you hope to impact the Kandalore community in a positive way by being an LIT? What are your strengths and possible contributions? 
What do you think will be your greatest challenge if you are accepted into the Kandalore LIT program?
What does Kandalore do best? In which ways can we strive to improve?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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