Report a Concern
We want to be able to ensure that all of our students are safe, being treated appropriately, and receiving a high-quality education.  We need to know about situations or conditions that would stop us from achieving each of these goals.

Please use this form to report anything that is concerning to you about a student.  You may know of harmful behavior in which the student is engaging, or you may know of something occurring outside of school that could be dangerous to a student.  Your information is confidential and your submission of it is anonymous.  You do not need to supply your name, unless you want to.  All reports go only to the superintendent, principal of the school, or counselor.

DISCLAIMER - This site will be monitored only during school hours.  It will not be monitored in the evenings, during holidays, or during the summer.  Information submitted through use of this site during unmonitored hours will be addressed the next school day.  If you have an urgent need to speak with someone, please call the school principal and/or the superintendent's office at 766-2214.  If your concern is of an emergency nature, dial 911 immediately.
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What is the name of the student about whom you are concerned? *
Which school does the student attend? *
Why are you concerned about this student?  Please provide details and specific incidents and information.  What did you see or hear?  When did it happen?  Who else would have information about this student that could be useful in helping this student? *
Your name (optional)
Your contact information (optional)
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