Parish of Kidlington With Hampton Poyle trip to  War Horse 28 Dec 2024 2:30PM  and Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat 10th January 7:30pm, at the New Theatre Oxford
This is for provisional bookings! Nothing binding till Mid November, when I will confirm the bookings with the Theatre and be able to advice of the ticket locations. 

You will be asked to pay to confirm the booking in Mid November, and payment must be made by the 20th November, and once you've paid then it will be non-refundable. You can cancel at any time before you pay.  

 The tickets for War Horse   will be £42, and located in the Balcony at the very top of the Theatre. 

The Tickets for Joseph will be £41, also in the Balcony, or possibly in the Circle. 

The Group will sit together as far as possible. If  you want different location  or performance, (and price!) then you can of course book yourself, there would be a  booking fee to add to the ticket price. 
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How many tickets to Joseph will you want *
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