LTS Enrollment Form
Fill out this form to start the enrollment process for Learn to Skate classes, and/or Bronze Power Builder classes. If your payment information is in our system, you will be enrolled and charged as you indicate below. If not, you will need to come in to set up payment.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Skater's Last Name *
Skater's First Name *
Guardian Last Name *
Guardian First Name *
Street Address *
Street Address 2
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Skater's birth date mm/dd/yyyy *
Skater's Gender *
Email Address *
Phone number *
Has the skater had previous skating instruction? *
How many times per MONTH would the skater like to come to class *
If the skater would like to start before the beginning of the month, how many classes would the skater like added to the account. *
I understand that this is an autopay contract that  will charge automatically on the 1st of each month, and an annual LTS USA fee of $30 when registering and then each September following. Cancellation REQUIRES 30 DAYS' NOTICE to *
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