APSS Kampong Spirit


  • The aim of this initiative is to make it easier for members who live nearby to come together for both social and educational gatherings. It's about fostering strong bonds with fellow APSS members in your vicinity.
  • Imagine enjoying a relaxed cup of coffee at the local café, hosting informal house parties from time to time, and even engaging in impactful mastermind sessions. These opportunities help create lasting connections within your immediate APSS community.

What we hope this initiative would bring about:
  • Connect Kampong members using platforms: WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook groups, or preferred social media.
  • Enables regular interaction and bonding.
  • Facilitates connections with Kampong neighbours.
  • Members can organize smaller meetups without involving everyone.
  • Team lead may arrange zonal meetings occasionally.
  • Success could lead to interzonal sports or speaking game competitions.

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Please choose which zone is the best represent your area of residence:

You only participate in any activities when you want to. No extra commitment
Please specify whether you're open to taking on the role of a zone leader
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