ICF Credentialing Exam Simulator
A simulation of what the ICF Credentialing Exam looks like: Test your knowledge and prepare! This mock-up is already geared toward the updated core competencies and includes "best" and "worst" answers. The ICF Credentialing Exam Simulator contains 53 questions and takes around 2-3 hours. If you get more than 70% of the answers right, you will receive a certificate from us granting you 3 CCEU in resource development (1-2 hours for filling in the questions, 1-2 hour for reviewing the feedback).

As we have no access to the real ICF Credentialing Exam Simulator, we have to rely on our own memory taking it, the ICF information on their website and the memories of others. What we learned so far is that the scenarios in the real exam tend to be longer and more confusing and that the "worst" answers are less clear than in this version of our ICF Credentialing Exam. Also, you are taking this exam without the additional stress of being observed by a proctor or being in a Pearson VUE test center. Passing this Simulator with ease should give you a really good chance at the real exam. If you have difficulties, we suggest reviewing the core competencies again.

If you would like to give us feedback for further updates of this simulator please contact us at: info@solutionsacademy.com

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