Sashiko Mastery Feedback // QuiltCon 2020
Thank you very much for your participation to the Sashiko Mastery Class in QuiltCon 2020. It was a pleasure to share the Sashiko we have been practicing for a long time.

I hope you have received a follow-up email with PDFs and links.

It is my dream to come back to QuiltCon again. Your feedback would be very much helpful to prepare the QuiltCon 2021, 2022, or later. I sincerely appreciate your time to share your experience.

I usually ask all the participants to fill out the brief (short-version) questionnaire in the workshop. I forgot to ask you to do so on Friday workshop. I apologize for my mistake. I believe I collected all of the questionnaire on Saturday workshop.

I decided to make this form instead of the full-length questionnaire in which I would have sent you after receiving your permission. This time, since I do not have your permission, I would like to ask you to fill out this form.

*For those who signed up at the last minutes for the Sashiko Mastery, I do not have your email address. Please let me know by filling out this google form. I will send you the follow-up email as soon as I can.

[Created on 2/29 for those who have not received the follow-up email].
Please come back around 3/10 for the full questionnaire. This form is editable.

Email *
Have you received the follow up email from Atsushi? *
The title of the Email should be "[Follow-up for Sashiko Mastery Class in QuiltCon 2020]. Thank you!!"
How did you enjoy the Sashiko Mastery Class?
Didn't Enjoy
Enjoyed Very Much
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Does "Rhythm" make sense to you after the class
No, not at all.
Yes, very much.
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