Prospective Family Information
Our mission - St. Peter Catholic School Community, grounded in Catholic Tradition, forms students into critical thinkers, virtuous leaders, and living saints. 

Thank you for your interest in partnering with St. Peter Catholic School in the formation of your children! Please take a moment to fill out this form so we can reach out to you with more information about touring and the registration/enrollment process. Please fill out a prospective form for each school-aged child.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Gender *
Date of Birth *
How did you learn about St. Peter Catholic School? *
Current School/Daycare *
Current Grade *
Entering Grade *
If your child is entering Preschool which class are you interested in
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If your child is entering Preschool which option are you interested in
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Church/Parish *
Parent 1 First Name *
Parent 1 Last Name *
Home Phone # *
Parent 1 Cell # *
Parent 1 Email *
Parent 2 First Name *
Parent 2 Last Name *
Parent 2 Phone# *
Parent 2 Email *
Student Household Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
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