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1.What is the way of avoiding accident ? *
2 points
2What should be done immediately, if a cylinder leaks due to defective valve or safety plug ? *
2 points
3.Which colour arc welding booth painted ? *
2 points
4.Which safety devices used to protect head ? *
2 points
5.Which material should not used for apron made up of? *
2 points
6.What safety is used in case of arc welding one should protect his eyes by using ? *
2 points
7What must be used while grinding ? *
2 points
8.Which joint is similar to soldering but has more strength ? *
2 points
9.Which type of fire extinguisher is used in a welding shop ? *
2 points
10.Which equipment is used for protect hand in welding process? *
2 points
11 Which equipment is used for protect foot in welding process? *
2 points
12. Which of the following is not a marking tool *
2 points
13.Which of the following is not a cutting tool *
2 points
14.Which of the following boring tool is used for deep boring? *
2 points
15.which is used for sharpening various tools. *
2 points
16. what is The length of a spike ? *
2 points
17. Which of the following cutting tools is used for cutting wood *
2 points
18 where Dovetail saw is used to cut? *
2 points
19.Which of the following saw has an open handle *
2 points
20.which Following vice is used for sharpening of saws: *
2 points
21.what is Another name of jig saw ? *
2 points
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