Corona Virus Awareness Quiz-I (2020) by Dept.of Chemistry,S.C.S.College,Omerga.(M.S.)
COVID-19 awareness Program-Quiz- I

The Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crises of this time and the greatest challenge daily  we are facing..The pandemic is moving fast.It is our responsibility to aware about prevention of spreading COVID-19.

Keeping this in mind,Department of Chemistry and Ind.Chemistry ,Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College,Omerga Dist.Osmanabad (INDIA) has created online quiz to make awareness among all students and citizens about  awareness of COVID-19 to combat on it .

After completion the quiz you get the certificate on your registered e-mail.

Thanking you for your participation !!

With warm regards....

Dr.Jadhav G.H.

Dr.Ingle V.S.
Vice-principal and Head,Department of Chemistry and Ind.Chemistry.

Dr.Suryawanshi V.S.
Associate Professor of Chemistry.
 Name (Write your surname and name only) *
Name of the College/Institute/organisation/Town *
Mobile No. *
Qu 1.Corona is...... *
1 point
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Qu.2 How does COVID-19 spread.... *
2 points
Qu.3 What are the symptoms of corona..... *
1 point
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Qu.4 Best preventive measures on corona is.... *
1 point
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Qu.5 When the Corona virus was first identified in India... *
1 point
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Qu.6 Which of the following has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic..... *
1 point
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Qu.7  Which of the following is the newly discovered form of Cornavirus? *
1 point
Qu.8 What is the name of Coronavirus test.... *
1 point
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Qu.9 Which is the official name of the disease causing the novel coronavirus 2019 outbreak announced by WHO on 11 Feb.2020 *
1 point
Qu.10 Corona virus got its name.... *
1 point
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Qu.11 Mode of transmission of COVID-19 is..... *
1 point
Qu.12 If you must go out,minimum how much should be the distance between you and other people... *
1 point
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Qu.13  Why it is important to cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing..... *
1 point
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Qu.14 In case where one family member is suspected with COVID-19,the following actions are recommended when cleaning your home...... *
1 point
Qu.15 I pledge to play my part in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in my country by spreading awareness about the mode of transmission and the chain of infection,spreading awareness about the prevention strategies and actively engaging citizens of my country to do same.Stay home stay safe to break the chain of infections....!! (.....observe and read the matter written on given picture)and then click... *
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Column 1
I pledge to break the chain of infection...
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