Flood Zone Oktoberfest Vendor Request Form
Please complete the form to request a vendor space for the Flood Zone Oktoberfest on October 19, 2024. Spaces are limited and are available in the order requests are received. Once your space is confirmed, a link will be emailed to submit the $50 registration fee. All vendor registration fees will be donated to Union Bridge and New Windsor Fire Departments. Please understand because we sell food on site, we are not accepting any food vendors other than ice cream/dessert vendors.

All spaces are 12' x 12' and vendors will need to provide their own tents. Electric is not available and WIFI is limited. Set up must be completed by 9:30am and all vehicles removed from the area.

The event takes place from 10:00am-5:00pm.
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Business Name *
Contact Name *
Contact Phone *
Email Address *
Please provide the details of your business: *
Please indicate if you are: *
I understand that I will have to provide a Certificate of Insurance to Flood Zone Brewery once my space has been confirmed. *
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