Melbourne Cup Weekend 2022 Market

It is with great sadness that I inform you that after 52 years of fund raising and serving our community, the Lions Club of Lorne is closing down at the end of June 2022. We have been unable to encourage new people to join us, and as there are now very few members left and we are all getting older, we decided it was time to call it quits.

This means that we will no long be holding the foreshore markets on Australia Day, Queen’s Birthday, and Melbourne Cup weekends. I have had talks with two groups in Lorne and I’m hoping that one of them will take on the running of these markets.

If you have booked a site at the Lorne market in the past, your email address will be in our system, and I can inform you of any future markets and a new website for bookings.


Bernadette Bliss

Market Coordinator
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