Empower Middle School Youth Advisory Board Application 
Empower Youth Advisory Board (YAB) provides middle school students from central New Jersey with volunteer opportunities and leadership roles at the county, regional, and state level. Students from Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Somerset, or Union can apply to Empower YAB. Our group will focus on important topics that relate to youth health and wellness. These topics include mental health, healthy relationships, drug prevention, and alcohol prevention.   

Empower YAB is funded by The New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), Division of Family Health Services (DFHS), Child and Adolescent Health Program (CAHP), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Family Youth Services Bureau (FYSB). Thanks to these organizations, Empower Somerset is able to create a middle school YAB.

In creating this program, we are able to empower youth to become leaders, advocates, and ambassadors for public health programs. YAB members have the opportunity to make an impact statewide and nationally. They can positively influence their peers and make a difference in their communities. 

Empower YAB will have virtual and in-person meetings that the members can participate in. Members are also offered community service hours, letters of recommendations, and references for employment. 

Empower YAB Requirements:
  1. Must be a middle school student (6 - 8 grade) 
  2. Must be living in Middlesex, Somerset, Monmouth, Union, or Mercer County. 
  3. Must be willing to participate, voice your opinion, and work as part of a team. 
Thank you for considering Empower YAB. We look forward to having you join our community! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send an email to yab@empowersomerset.com 

- Lizette (Empower Middle School YAB Coordinator) 
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