Test your AAPI Knowledge!
Take this short quiz and you'll be entered for your chance to win a $25 gift card to a local AAPI eatery of your choice! One winner will be randomly chosen. You do not need correct answers to win, but you do need to answer each question, and provide us with valid contact information. You can only enter once. All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. Central Time on May 31. The winner will be contacted in June.
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This woman was the first woman of color elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and the first Asian-American woman to serve in Congress. Provide her name, AND the year she made it happen. *
This out of this world woman was an American astronaut, engineer, and the first woman of Indian origin to go to space. What was her name? *
This Hmong-American woman is the current Majority Whip for the Minnesota House of Representatives. *
This funny lady is the first woman of Asian descent to win a Golden Globe in any lead actress film category. What's her real name, and her stage name? *
This woman is a journalist and activist for Asian American and LGBTQ+ rights who also co-founded American Citizens for Justice, an Asian American nonprofit organization that, among other things, provides victims of discrimination with legal resources. *
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