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Full Name
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phone number is (Whats-app, Telegram -Viber)
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Qualification / Specialization
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or (for students please mention level or school year)
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Company Name or (for students please mention the university name)
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Experience level
Two years experience
More than two years experience
More than 5 years experience
Course Name
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Course Date
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Preferred training method
Attendance in Cairo, Egypt
Attendance in Madrid, Spain
Attendance in Istanbul - Türkiye
Attendance in Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
Attendance in Jakarta - Indonesia
Attendance in London - Britain
Attendance in Muscat - Oman
Attendance in Dubai - UAE
Online Via Google Meet app
Number of participants (special discount for groups)
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Method of reservation and payment of appropriate fees for non-Egyptian participants (payment is required at least two weeks before the course date)
Transfer to Western Union
Bank transfer
Your comments and inquiries
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