cat adoption form
this is an application to adopt a cat from a future for ferals, failure to fully answer questions may result in automatic denial of application.
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Full name (first and last) *
House number and street address *
city/ town  *
state  *
zip code  *
Date of birth? *
Email address *
Best phone number to reach you at *
Best way to contact you *
if you have a facebook account, what is your name on there? *
What cat(s) are you interested in adopting? *
What are you looking for in a cat? *
If it’s decided by the rescue that the cat you’re interested in would not be the best fit for what you’re looking for, would you consider another cat that we find a better fit? *
Do you rent or own? *
If you rent, does your landlord allow you to have cats in the home?  *
if renting, do you have proof of your rental agreement stating that you are allowed to have cats in your home? *
List all people who live in the household, (their first and last names and ages) *
Is everyone in your household aware and in agreement about adopting a cat(s)? *
What does the average day in your house hold look like? (Examples: How many hours are you or someone else typically home? Are people often over? Are children often over? Etc) *
will you be the primary caregiver for the pet? *
If you have a dog(s) in your home, have they ever lived with cats before? If so, please provide some information about their behavior with/ towards the cat. If no dogs, put N/A *
List the animals in your household. Include species and ages. If none put N/A *
Have you ever relinquished a pet to an animal shelter, rescue or another individual? If so, please describe the situation as best as possible. When did this occur, which shelter or rescue was it? If no put N/A *
what would your plan be if you can no longer keep your pet(s)? please do NOT put anything such as "this would never happen" unfortunately things we can not control do happen and there needs to be a plan set in place just in case.  *
What factors would cause you to give up a pet? *
My cat(s) will be? *
If you currently have cats, are they? *
if you have other cats, are they spayed/ neutered? *
if you have other cats and they are NOT spayed/ neutered, why? If you have no other cats put N/A. If all your cats ARE spayed/ neutered just put N/A *
what vet office is your primary vet for regular check ups/ non emergency appointments?  *
what office is your emergency vet office?  *
Thoughts on declawing? *
what would you do if the cat ever went to the bathroom outside of their litter box? *
what would you do if the cat ever scratched something they are not supposed to? *
I understand there is a set adoption fee that must be paid at the time of adoption unless otherwise stated by the rescue. This fee helps cover the vetting of the cat that the rescue has provided. *
Any other questions or comments you have for us
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