ASEAN+ BUSINESS EXPO (12-14 July 2024)  Buyers Registration Form
Welcome! We're thrilled you're interested in joining us. Once you have successfully signed up; you will receive an email sent to the address you supplied once your registration is processed. If you don’t receive an email, please check your spam email folder. Thank you again and see you soon!
Buyer's Hotline: +6 011 10830993
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Event, date & location
12-14 July, 2024, ASEAN+ BUSINESS EXPO 
Pavilion Bukit Jalil Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Company Information 
Company Name *
Industry Sector *
Nature of Business *
Company Address *
Company Website *
Company Size (Small/Medium/Large) *
Buyer Contact Person
Full Name *
Job Title *
Contact Number *
Email address *
Please select the product or service categories your company is interested in. Check all that apply *
Are you interested in participating in pre-scheduled business matching session? *
How many representatives from your company will be attending the expo?
Main purpose of your visit to ASEAN+ Business Expo *
Are you already a customer of any of our exhibitors? *
Does your company belong to any association? *
Are you interested in sponsoring any events or activities during the expo? *
How did you know about the Expo? *
By clicking "Submit", I hereby give my consent to the organizer of the right to send me promotional and marketing materials regarding events, products, services, etc.
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