Coastal Programs Sign-Up
Join the NEC's volunteer community of citizen scientists cleaning our community.

We all know that litter is harmful to our health, wildlife, forests, and oceans. Trash Trackers, Adopt-A-Block, and Adopt-A-Beach are here to do something about it!

All you need to do is fill out the form below.
More information can be found at and
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and Last Name *
Group/Business Name (if applicable)
Phone Number
Which program(s) would you like to volunteer for? *
What location would you like to adopt? (Only applicable if participating in Adopt-A-Block or Adopt-A-Beach)
Number of volunteers in your cleanup group
How often do you plan to do cleanups?
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Would you like to rent cleanup gear? Please visit our website to fill out our "NEC Cleanup Supplies Lending Form" (
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Have you watched the Coastal Programs Cleanup Tutorial video? *
How did you hear about Coastal Programs?
Do you have any questions? The Coastal Programs Coordinator will contact you shortly.
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