Booking form- Charity Golf Day
Bracknell Forest Lions Club Charity Golf Day, Fri 11th July 2025 at Downshire Golf Complex.
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About the event
Bracknell Forest Lions Club is a charity (registered charity number 1031551). We are raising money for The Cowshed, a local charity providing support to people of all backgrounds in times of personal crisis.

To complete this form you will need details for all the members of your team (including name, HCP and dietary requirements) and will need to be prepared to pay the £50 non- refundable deposit to book your teams space.

Please complete accurately and clearly. This is a fun tournament, but remember that false handicaps can spoil the event for others and can affect the integrity of the event. Men's HCPs are capped at max 28 and women's HCPs are capped at 36.

Please note, if there are over 100 golfers taking part on the day, a 2- tee start will be in effect. The maximum number of golfers on the day is 120.
Team name *
Team Captain
You will be our point of call and are responsible for collecting the fee as well as providing accurate information on this form.
You are also Player One in your team

Telephone number *
Email address *
HCP: *
WHS number
Dietary requirements
Player Two
Name *
WHS number
Dietary requirements
Player Three
Name *
WHS number
Dietary requirements
Player Four
Name *
WHS number
Dietary requirements
Cost is £50/ head (£200 for a 4 ball team). This includes a breakfast roll, tea/ coffee and a one course lunch. 

Please send your £50 deposit when you made your booking. Without the deposit your place is not booked. Please ensure that the reference for payment is the Team Captain's name. (Player One). We will email you to confirm you deposit has been received.

The full amount will be requested by the 13th June at the latest. Failure to pay may result in loss of your teams place in the tournament.

Payment must be sent by cheque or BACS payment to Bracknell Forest Lions Club (Natwest) .

Bank account Number: 93547889/ Sort Code: 518122

Cheques payable to "Bracknell Forest Lions Club" and posted to:
Bracknell Forest Lions
c/o Nick Pienaar
71 Keepers Coombe
Crown Wood
RG12 0TW
I understand that my teams place is not booked until the deposit has been received.  *
I will be paying the £50 deposit by: *
Would you like Bracknell Forest Lions Club to keep you up to date with future events you might be interested in? *
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