TEDxVillanovaU 2023: Paradigm Shift for Sustainability - Speaker Application
Thank you for your interest in participating in our official 2023 TEDx conference TEDxVillanovaU: Paradigm Shift for Sustainability! The purpose of the conference is to give members of the Villanova University community a platform to share their ideas worth spreading, spark important conversations, and truly ignite change by challenging us to reimagine and restructure our current operating systems, practices, and thought frameworks to build a sustainable future at all levels of the human experience. 

The conference theme Paradigm Shift for Sustainability is not limited to "environmental" sustainability, although environmental sustainability is a critical and important topic. We encourage all talk ideas to apply. Sustainability in a holistic sense can relate to all ideas worth spreading. How do we shape a world that has enough, for all, forever?

To audition to be a speaker, we ask that you have a formal affiliation with the Villanova University community (student, staff, faculty, alumni, etc.) and are able to give a 4-5 minute talk about your idea (it could be the first 4-5 minutes of your 10-15 min talk or a 4-5 minute summarized version of your 10-15 min talk). We will allow people to use notes during auditions, if desired. However, no notes are allowed during the actual conference, so it may be beneficial to practice speaking without notes and to showcase your public speaking skills.

Whether you have a near-finalized talk or just an idea worth spreading, we encourage you to audition! Please reach out to TEDxVillanovaU@villanova.edu with any questions or concerns. Thank you, and we look forward to working with you!
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Email *
Full name *
Phone number *
Affiliation with Villanova University *
Tell us about yourself! (Describe yourself. Where are you from? What makes you "you"? What are you passionate about? Etc.) *
Aim for about 1 paragraph in length (loose guideline).
Describe the theme of your idea/talk in 1-2 sentences max. *
Please summarize your idea/talk in 500 words or less. *
How does your idea relate to the conference theme, "Paradigm Shift for Sustainability"? (250 words or less) *
If you have any other thoughts, questions, comments, or concerns, please use this space to let us know.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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