English Test
Conteste en forma correcta y ordenada lo que se le pide acontinuacion
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Seleccione la fecha de hoy *
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Are nouns that refers to ideas, concepts, emotions, and other "things" you cannot phisically interact with *
choose the correct grouo of nouns
These abjectives describes nouns that refers to action, quality and state *
Choose the correct adjective
Choose "T" if the sentece is correct and "F" if the sentece if wrong. *
Nouns are a group of words that describe adjectives.
Preposition are a group of words that refer to actions.
Verbs modify adjectives.
Nouns go before adjectives in a sentence.
Are nouns hat refer general things rather than specific examples. *
Choose the correct group of nouns
Are prepositions that refers to a specific place. *
Choose the correct group of preposition.
Which of these words  is an adverb?
Clear selection
Tomorrow he will_____ the car in the river. *
Choose the correct word that is missing in the sentece
Look at the next picture carefully
Using preposition of place, answer the next questions base on the image you saw before. *
Where is the dog?
Where is the pillow?
Where is the ball?
Where is the cat?
Choose the correct  word that are missing in the next senteces. *
Yesterday I _____ to the beach with my sister
Everyday Maria_____ for all her family
We _____ live in Roatan right now.
Pay close attention to the next video
Taking into account the previos video answer the next question. *
Write down all the preposition of place that were mention in the video.
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