fMRI study screening form

Principal Investigator: Janice Chen 

JHM IRB Study No: IRB00145641

We are seeking participants for an MRI research study on perception and memory. Participating in this study involves coming into the laboratory for an MRI scanning session lasting 1-2 hours. During the scans, participants view movies or images or webpages, listen to stories or sounds, and/or talk about their experiences. Participants are compensated $30 per hour for their time. 

The requirements of the study are listed below. If you qualify, please enter the requested information and we will contact you.

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1. You CAN lie completely still on your back and stay alert for approximately 1.5 hours.

Even small head movements (on the scale of millimeters) are problematic for our analyses. Please do not sign up for the study unless you are comfortable staying very still.
2. You are NOT claustrophobic.

This is for your safety. The MRI scanner is a confined space. If you have feelings of claustrophobia, we urge you not to attend long scanning sessions like ours.
3. You have NO metal in your body (pacemaker or other implanted devices, braces, retainers, etc.) or non-removable metal jewelry (dental fillings are fine).

This is for your safety. Please make sure that you have no metal implants other than dental fillings.
4. You are a native English speaker or learned to speak English fluently no later than the age of 8 years old.

This study involves studying brain responses to English language audio and speaking in English, and thus we only recruit people who learned to speak English at a young age.
5. You are right-handed.

Left-handed and right-handed people sometimes have language function localized to opposite sides of the brain. Given that our study involves language, we only recruit right-handed individuals.
6. You do NOT currently have a clinical diagnosis of neurological or psychiatric conditions (e.g., major depression, GAD, etc.).

Our research questions are non-clinical; we only recruit individuals without these diagnoses.
7. You do NOT have hearing problems or wear a hearing aid.
8. You have normal or corrected-to-normal vision.
9. You weigh under 250 lbs (113 kg).
10. You are NOT pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant.
11. You are between the ages of 18 to 45.
If you have met all requirements listed above and would like to participate in the study, please fill out the below information, and we'll be in touch with you in the next few days.
Full Name *
Email *
(Optional) Please indicate what days/times during the week are preferable for you to participate in a 2-2.5 hour session (including travel time).
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