Farm Tour
Farm tours are  normally SATURDAYS at 9:00 am. However, during the summer we do move them to 8 am to avoid the hot summer days outdoors. If you would like to make reservations for large groups (20 or more), other than the scheduled tours, please send us an email at  Fee for tour is $30 per person. 

Please note that ALL TOURS ARE ON SATURDAYS AT 9 AM or 8 AM during hot summer days.

We are no longer affiliated with Phoenix Fungi. To pay for your tour use the PAYMENT LINK provided below. DO NOT PAY PHOENIX FUNGI. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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We are a farm. Come prepared to walk on uneven grounds, possible stairs. Production houses contain a lot of moisture. Floors may be slippery and wet. 
Which Saturday would you like to attend?  *
Your Name *
Your Phone Number *
Number of people in your party (include yourself) *
Our food safety requirements require the following:  *
To complete your booking, please go to OUR SHOP to pay. 
We hope you experience an unforgettable 45 minutes with our tour. Mush obliged! 
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