113-1雙語數位學伴-朝陽科大學伴招募Bilingual Digital Learning Program



Are you ready to apply your expertise and passion to make English learning fun for children or teenagers, and motivate them to keep learning?  Welcome to join the  Bilingual Digital Learning Program !

The program is funded by the Ministry of Education and aims to provide online English tutoring to students in remote areas. The program recruits university students as tutors and provides them with training and resources to teach English to elementary and junior high school students.  It is a great opportunity for university students to gain teaching experience and improve their English skills.

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英文姓名全稱 Your English Name / 若為外籍生請寫中文姓名 Your Chinese Name
學號 / 教師人事代碼/身分證字號 ID Number
請問您之前有參加過雙語數位學伴計畫嗎?  Have you ever joined the program before? *
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