NWS Morristown's SKYWARN Class Registration
Use this form to register your information as a trained spotter. You must attend spotter training AND fill out this form in order to receive a spotter id and certificate. Once you submit this form, you WILL NOT receive a confirmation - however, you should receive a submission success message.  

Spotter training classes (schedule - https://www.weather.gov/mrx/skywarn_classes ) are usually taught in the late winter and early spring at various locations across the MRX forecast area. You may also take online spotter training and use this registration form, too. Use the link above to access the online classes.  
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First Name *
Last Name *
Physical Address *
City *
State (state abbreviation, ex. TN) *
Zip *
County (you live in) *
Phone Number (ex. 123-456-7890) *
Email Address *
Have you taken spotter training in the last 2 years (from NWS Morristown)? *
If so, what is your current spotter ID number?
Did you provide a new address?
Clear selection
Which class will you take the training (or online)? *
What agency/organization are you affiliated with? Please check all that apply.
Call Sign (if applicable)
Weather Equipment: Please check all that apply.
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