Beyond 30x30 Near-shore Policy Survey
The “Beyond 30x30” framework highlights opportunities for improved equitable access, quality, and equity and justice in U.S. oceans. CAP is currently producing a report to fill in some of the gaps found in the Conservation Atlas, specifically that “more work remains to conserve a geographically representative, ecologically connected, and climate-resilient set of marine areas off all U.S. coasts.” This report will be a landscape analysis of federal, state, and territorial near-shore conservation policies, with a focus on six specific habitats: seagrass beds, coral reefs, kelp forests, coastal wetlands (eg. salt marsh and mangrove forests), beaches and dunes, and oyster beds. We also welcome input on other habitats not listed, including estuaries more broadly (with a particular focus on anadromous fish habitat). We hope to highlight examples of model policy for conserving critical habitat-forming organisms as a framework for what effective "Beyond 30x30" policies could look like. 

As part of this, we are conducting a survey among eNGOs, scientists, community groups and other experts focused on these habitats to contribute model policies and other ideas for understanding the landscape of existing (and proposed) policies. We appreciate your contributions and welcome additional feedback via email or a virtual meeting!

If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr. Alia Hidayat at 
Email *
Which of the habitats listed do you focus on? (Please submit individual forms for different habitats. If you have recommended policies for habitats not included above, please see question 9 below) *
What are the largest threats to this type of habitat in your state, territory, or region?
What are examples of model existing policy for the protection and restoration of this type of habitat from your state/territory or at the national level? 
What are potentially impactful pending policies that your organization is tracking?
What are current gaps in policy that you would like to see addressed?
How would you improve current Marine Protected Areas and other area-based ocean policy to maximize benefits for this habitat? 
What are the barriers to success for existing or proposed policies to better manage these resources?
Do you have recommendations for groups/communities/scientists trying to implement any of these specific policies around these species?  Please provide below: 
Are there any examples of good, effective near-shore policies that don't fall into any of the habitats listed that you would like to share? 
Your Full Name *
Your e-mail address (so that we can follow up if we have questions) *
Would you like to be updated via email with the progress of this project?  
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