Event Registration for "Love Thy Neighbor" Community Conversations Listening and Learning Tour with Candidate Therese V. Wakefield-Gamble
Candidate Therese V. Wakefield-Gamble and team members want to connect with community members in District 14.    Given the summer heat conditions in Jacksonville, indoor venues are crucial to ensure participant safety and comfort. So we are holding the events throughout the district where you Therese can be accessible not to just talk but to introduce herself and give each community member 5 minutes to tell their stories, struggles, dreams, and goals of what they envision for District 14 where I will be armed and equipped with your voices to advocate and propose legislations and funding to recycle your tax dollars back into District 14 for inclusive growth in affordable housing, healthcare access, education reform, and public safety. 
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number(s)
Are organization within business or organization within District 14?  If so, what is the name, what do you do? How does your product or service solve problems for clients/customers? What do you need help with as a business owner? What have you tried? Who have you contacted? What is the status? If you run out of room, please email to mrstheresewgamble@gmail.com or mail to P.O. Box 17575, Jacksonville, FL 32245
Name of Your Organization *
What is your neighborhood's name? 
What days will you attend? So, we can plan and prepare accordingly for venue locations within District 14?  *
What are your key issues, concerns, and goals for District 14? If you run out of space, send email to mrstheresewgamble@gmail.com or P.O. Box 17575, Jacksonville, FL 32245 *
Are you interested in being a Precinct Captain?  Precinct Captains are responsible for canvassing frequently in your precinct, administering yard signs as a hub and coordinating information in their area through meetings/ Next-door and more. Please use the following app to track your hours : HoursTracker ® Time Tracking App for iPhone and Android (hourstrackerapp.com) so we can track our impact  *
Are you interested in Volunteering?   Please use the following app to track your hours : HoursTracker ® Time Tracking App for iPhone and Android (hourstrackerapp.com) so we can track our impact 
Canvassing: TBD (Love Thy Neighbor Tour - due to recent heat conditions) Knock on doors and engage with voters in our community.
Phone Banking: Call potential voters to share our message and encourage support, invite to Love Thy Neighbor community conversation obtain email address to send registration form. 
Text Banking: Reach out to voters via text messages to inform and mobilize.
Social media Posting: Help us spread the word online through your social networks.
Fundraisers: Assist in organizing and hosting events to raise funds for the campaign.
Postcard Writing: Place address labels on campaign post cards. 
Letters to the Editor: Writing letters to all the media outlets local, regionally, and statewide
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Join the Campaign and Be a Part of the Change! We would love to have your support as a recurring donor to Therese’s campaign. Your financial contributions will play a crucial role in enabling us to reach more voters, spread our message of hope and unity, and implement the policies that will benefit our community.

Donor Levels:

Give at your level: $

Lifeline Support: $50 per month

Bronze Supporter: $100 per month

Silver Advocate: $250 per month

Gold Champion: $500 per month

Platinum Visionary: $1000 per month

Diamond Patron: $2500 per month

Your commitment to a monthly donation will ensure that we have the resources necessary to make a significant impact. As a recurring donor, you will receive exclusive campaign updates, invitations to special events, and recognition on our campaign website.

Your support is not just a financial contribution; it is a statement of belief in a better future for District 14. Together, we can bring about the change our community needs and deserves. Would you consider making a monthly donation at one of these levels?

Two ways to donate

ActBlue — Therese Gamble — Therese Gamble - online


Checks mailed to: Therese W Gamble for HD14, P.O. Box 17575, Jacksonville, FL 32245  

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Purchase Volunteer Swag Gear - Bundle is $80 (ala carte is $20 each) Please indicate your size below in the box and all purchase are to be paid in the following  
Two ways:

ActBlue — Therese Gamble — Therese Gamble - online


Checks mailed to: Therese W Gamble for HD14,

 P.O. Box 17575, Jacksonville, FL 32245

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Would you like to sponsor to host a Love Thy Neighbor Tour within District 14? If so, please submit proposals and requests to mrstheresewgamble@gmail.com to have time to plan, prepare, and market to the community.  *
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