creator sign-up
welcome to the artwyrx creator community!  please enter your submission for the art show here.

by answering three questions at the end you can choose to be eligible for a 3 day artist retreat.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Please enter your first and last name. *
Please enter your email. *
Please submit your artistic entry for the art show.  Links only.  1-3 entries.  Email: to send files.
Please enter 1-5 of your creative skills (e.g. film editing, photography, graphic design, game design etc.). *
Please enter your location (e.g. Bay Area). 
Please enter 1-3 of your stylistic interests (such as afrofuturism, art brut, grafitti, narrative storytelling, etc).
Would you be interested in a free 1-3 day creative residency in Sonoma County with a modern, private living space, access to audio recording & video editing equipment, and an open space for dance, meditation and/or painting?  We ask you to answer ALL three of the following questions to be eligible.  
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Where do you find creative collaborators or communities and what challenges do you face in this process?
Where do you share and distribute your creative work, and how does this process please you or frustrate you?  
Are you able to monetize your work, if yes, how so, if not, what obstacles do you encounter?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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