I'm gathering information about whether or not folks might be interested in getting together for a West Coast writing retreat / gathering during the weekend of StokerCon. I know we can't all make it out to the Mother Ship, but maybe we can enjoy some of the convention's virtual programming while still getting some togetherness!
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Would you be interested in a Pacific NW-based event the weekend of 6/12/2025? *
Would you be willing to go someplace that required driving from a major transit hub or would you only go someplace easily accessible via mass transit / rideshare?
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What would be your ideal price point for lodging?
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Would you be willing to pay extra to use group space or do group activities?
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What would you like to do at this kind of event?
If you said other, what are you thinking about?
Do you have any other genius ideas you'd like to share?
Would you be interested in helping out at an event like?
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Should I email you with more information when and if there are details? *
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