SatowalletEx Listing Form
First of all, we want to appreciate you for the decision to list your coin/token on Satowallet Exchange!

To add a new coin to SatoWalletEX please you need to correctly fill out the form below.

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Email *
Coin/Token Name *
Official Coin Ticker (e.g SATOS, BTC, LTC) *
Is this request for a Coin or a Token? *
If Token, Enter Contract Address *
Domain Name or Project URL *
CoinMarketCap or Coingecko Page *
Source link (Github preferred) *
What's your budget of listing fee (in BTC)? *
Is your coin listed on an exchange currently? *
Mention Exchanges (If Yes)
Telegram Chanel *
Personal Telegram *
Twitter Link *
Role / Responsibility *
Which Base Chain is your Token on (if applicable, eg ETH, Gas) *
Which Coin are you Forked/Cloned from? *
Minimum Transaction Fee
Block Explorer *
Link to Logo, (minimum 200x200px, transparent PNG preferred) *
Please enter an 8 character anti-phishing code of your choice. Ensure that you save this code somewhere secure. [IMPORTANT] *
*If you receive any email from the SatoWallet Exchange listing team, The code will be at the beginning part of the email. This is to ensure that you are able to distinguish between emails from SatoWallet Exchange and emails from scammers.
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