North Brunswick Township Abilities Council
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Hello! What's your name? *
Do you live in North Brunswick? *
What is your age range?
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How do you identify?
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What is your current employment status?
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Are you familiar with the existing disability services/programs available in our town?
If yes, please specify the disability services/programs you are aware of.
Do you believe that the current disability services/programs in our town adequately meet the needs of individuals with disabilities?
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If no, please describe the specific gaps or areas where improvements are needed.
What types of disability services/programs do you think should be prioritized or expanded in our town?
How would you rate the accessibility of public buildings and infrastructure in our town for individuals with disabilities?
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What barriers or challenges do you perceive individuals with disabilities face in our town?
Are there any specific suggestions or ideas you have to enhance disability services/programs or improve accessibility in our town?
Would you be willing to actively participate in initiatives or volunteer your time to support the development of disability services/programs in our town?
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Is there anything else you would like to add?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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