Grant Band & Orchestra Conflict Form
Fill out ahead of any rehearsal or event that you will be absent from.

Per the Handbook:
ATTENDANCE: Unnecessary absence and tardiness mar the effectiveness of the ensemble. Unique in nature, band requires the presence of all team members to adequately work on both individual skills such as rhythm, articulation, and air support as well as ensemble skills such as blend, balance, intonation, and dynamics. We are counting on each other in order to succeed!

Tardiness is not acceptable. The ensemble cannot begin until all students are seated and ready. It is very disruptive and wastes everyone’s time when one person comes in late. Also, always have all the necessary materials for class including a pencil, your working instrument, any warm-up books, all sheet music checked out to you, your band folder, and plenty of reeds, valve oil, cleaning and maintenance supplies.

In case of illness, departmental or professional conflict, members must notify the director in writing before the absence. In the case of last minute conflicts, members are expected to make every effort to notify the director. You may email, call, or bring a written note from your parents to the band office. Excused absences for medical reasons, family emergencies, illness, and extraordinary events will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Communication is the key to your success in this area.

Avoid making doctors/dental appointments during band rehearsals. Every attempt should be made to schedule work and other special events (birthday parties, minivacations) around the band schedule. Everyone is valued in this program: commit to the program, commit to the ensemble, and commit to the schedule.

When a student is absent from class or a performance, one day is given for each day absent from class to make up assignments. For a pre-arranged absence, check with Mr. McFadden at least one week in advance.

PERFORMANCE ATTENDANCE:  Attendance at all performances is required– This is our “final exam.” An excused absence from performance is only granted for personal sickness, family emergency, or prearranged, unavoidable family event. Absence for any other reason is UNEXCUSED. Please notify Mr. McFadden at least three weeks in advance. Prearranged absence can be made up for 2/3rds credit by the end of the semester. Unexcused absences from a concert cannot be made up.

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Student Name *
Date of Conflict *
Absent from... *
Reason for Conflict *
Details (i.e., leaving 15 minutes early, arriving late, complete absence, etc.) *
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