HMS Virtual Book Club
Hi everyone! I'm hoping to start up a book club during these overwhelming and uncertain times. Literature has often been a place for me to turn when I need to reflect on the current world. One of my favorite parts of reading is writers often have this powerful way of putting words to these thoughts and feelings circling in my head that I don't yet know how to express. I'd love to read Alfred Camus' The Plague together if there's interest. In Camus' 1947 book he eloquently describes a worldwide pandemic (sound familiar?) in a way that feels eerily similar to today. I'd also very much be open to choosing another book if you all are COVID19 overloaded but would still like to read together -- I have lots of books in mind! Or we could read short stories/poems.

Time to be decided TBD based on the interest of the group. We'll go SUPER SLOWLY breaking up the book into several different parts.

Questions/comments/concerns? Reach out to me (Katie Kester, MS3)

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